Thursday, April 01, 2010


I'm back - for the umpteenth time!

Blogging is dying? I don't know.
There seems to be hundreds of blogs written and published every day. But there are other attractive media available now. Everybody seems to be in Facebook. If you haven't heard about it, you are a strange specimen. Orkut seemed the 'in' thing sometime back. But LinkedIn seemed to have taken over all the professionals whou would like to get and stay connected. Twitter is another raging phenomenon.
Personally, I haven't touched either of them. At least, till now.
Blogging is an expanded version of twitter? I don't think so. Twitter is what SMS had done to fully formed sentences written in blog posts. You are compelled to shorten everything to fit into limited number of words. Words are irrecognizable. I cringe every time I see a mangled word in SMS and twitter feeds. I still remember my stern English teacher who will rap in the knuckles if I drag the centre line in small letter 'f'' while writing in handwriting script.
Of course, we've moved far ahead from that time. I've learnt to write using contractions which was again frowned upon in formal writing. 'Plain English' or 'plain language' is my current manthra. I am amused at some of the writings in website. Perhaps, I'll write about it in another blog post.