Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Who am I?

I attended a leadership session some time ago organized by my company. As part of the session, we were asked to write on the above topic in just 5 minutes. This is what I wrote:
Who am I?

If I know this, I wouldn't be here.

I would like to be a human being, fun-loving, respecting elders, correct as much as possible in whatever I am thinking and doing. But am I all these?

I don't know.

I thought I was a kind person. But some people whom I have to discipline think that I am unkind.

I thought I was fun-loving. Many of my friends thought that I am a spoilsport when I didn't join them in their 'kind' of fun.

I thought I was respecting elders but there were occasions when I had to speak against their wishes.

I thought I was very good in my profession but there are people who think I am not good enough.

I thought I found what I wanted but I soon find it quite boring.

I thought I was very good at some sports but I did not count on aging and becoming slower.

I thought I was a good family man but then, why the hell there are differences within the family?

I know I cannot be everything to everybody but at least I would like to be what I want to be.

What do you think?

Friday, August 18, 2006

I'm a blogaddict!

Yes, I have become a blogaddict!

I discovered blogs recently. In a very short time I have become so addicted. Most of my time is spent on reading desi blogs, commenting on them and writing my own blogs.

I have blogs in blogger, wordpress, blogtext, Sulekha and MSN. It's like writing syndicated columns to a variety of newspapers! I'm a modern-day Art Buchwald!

I'm constantly trying to find topics to write. I'm also careful not to repeat the stuff between the blogs. I face writer's block quite often! I read my newspapers more closely now than ever. I'm under the impression that the whole blogosphere is waiting for my comments on all and sundry topics.

At least my writing style is improving!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Inimitable PGW

I am currently reading PG Wodehouse's Jeeves Omnibus Vol1 that contains 3 Jeeves novels.

I have been a die-hard fan of PGW ever since I laid my eyes on one of his novels. In the early 70s, when I was in college, there was no exam in the first year of the degree course. I spent the entire holidays to read about 70 PGW books! I ran through the stack in the library as quickly as I could.

Considering the books were written in 1920s and 30s, the language was remarkably simple and quite hilarious. I never read one of his books in public places, lest I would be considered a crackpot by others who see me laughing loudly at a book.

Since then I have read the books many times. I have avidly collected the ebooks from Gutenberg and other sources for my reading pleasure.

The prose reminds me of Kalki's writing. I'm sure that Kalki would have read him and appreciated him. I must check Kalki's biography by Sunda.

Desi Blogs!

Recnetly I have been going through some of the popular blogs by desis. I just wanted to find out how our desis have been using this new medium that gives them a platform to write and publish.

There are different types of bloggers, I found. One type just writes about what they feel, what they read and what they think about the happenings in the world.

Another type devotes their blog in vilifying other bloggers! They pass outrageous and irreverent comments and the comments were really in bad taste. It was shocking to find that there are camps supporting the warring factions. They constantly instigate their principal bloggers to write badly about their rivals(!?). Is this the desi mentality of not allowing anybody to rest in peace? What right do they have to take potshots personally on another person? You have every right to comment on their writings. This is what healthy criticism is all about. But calling another fellow-blogger an idiot! That's the limit! Idiot is a mild term compared to the filth these bloggers write about each other. They have a free and powerful medium. They should write responsibly and try to improve their styles and contents.

There are very serious bloggers who religiously write regularly on technology, literature etc. Their contents were very good and highly stimulating intellectually. It's a pleasure reading them and would love to comments on those blogs.

I also found a growing number of women on the blogosphere! Quite a few of them literally inclined. Pavithra is translating Kalki's novels. Quite a few write poetry. Many write nostalgically about their 'maruthani' days. Some live in the US.

Blogs are everywhere. Many are available free. Let's use the medium responsibly. If you want to use this forum to vilify others, go take a break!